Web Rapid Development

(6/15/2024) Working on revised blog feature.

Mission Statement

It is the mission of RichWare and Web Rapid Development to provide the best product and service at the most reasonable price.

Web Rapid Development Features

Web Rapid Development (WRD) is a content management system used for designing simple to complex web sites. Here are some features of WRD:

  1. Administrative privileges to allow style sheet changes on the fly. Font family, Font size, Font color, background color, border, shadings, among a few.
  2. Easy to use menu generator allowing creation of web pages quickly.
  3. Adding photos to your pages is a snap.
  4. We've added a plant inventory system for gardeners, arboretums, landscapers and more. We offer to upload the plants your currently have in stock.
  5. Easy to customize to include third party add-ons.

These are some of the many features WRD provides. Pricing is included under Information on the menu bar above. Enjoy browsing and contact us if you have any questions.

This web site was developed and customized by using WRD.